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Cookie Policy

The general notes herein concerning the use of cookies on the part of Società Agricola I SABBIONI s.s. (hereafter, also referred to merely as “I Sabbioni ”) regard the site: (hereafter, also referred to merely as “Site”).

A detailed account is provided below of the cookies used by the Site, under the specific headings:

  1. What is a cookie
  2. Types of cookies and request for the consent of users in respect of the use of cookies
  3. The cookies used on the Site,
  4. How to view and edit cookies by means of your browser
  5. Selecting and deselecting cookies used on the Site,
  6. Data controller

For further information on the policy regarding personal data processing, we direct users’ attention to the Privacy Policy.

1. What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text strings that the sites visited by users send to the user’s terminal where they are stored so that they may be re-transmitted to the same sites on the occasion of a later visit by the same users. Cookies enable conduct of correct web site navigation on the part of users, the sharing of information on social networks, navigation on the basis of criteria and preferences selected by users, such as language of preference, and collection of statistical data concerning use of the site (e.g. number of times the site was accessed and manners of navigation on a given site).

While navigating on a site, users may also receive on their terminals cookies sent by sites or by various web servers (termed “third parties”). These cookies may include a variety of elements (e.g. images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) that are present on the site being visited.

2. Types of cookies and requests for the consent of users in respect of the use of cookies

According to current regulations, users’ express consent is not always required as a condition for the use of cookies. This is the case for:

  • “technical cookies”, namely cookies that are used solely in order to enable transmission of communications via an electronic communication network, or that are used to the extent strictly required to provide a service expressly requested by a user. In other words, this is the case for cookies that are indispensable for the functioning of the Site or that are necessary for performance of activities requested by users;
  • “analytic cookies”, when used directly by the operator of the Site (termed “first-party” or “proprietary” cookies) solely for the purpose of collecting information, in aggregate form, on the number of users visiting, and on how said users visit, the Site, or, if cookies are provided by third parties, only when appropriate instruments are adopted for reducing the user identification capacity of such cookies (e.g. by masking significant portions of the IP address);
  • “functionality cookies”, that enable users to navigate on the basis of a series of selected criteria (e.g. language or the products selected for purchase), for the purpose of improving the service to be rendered.

Conversely, prior consent is required on the part of users for use of:

  • “profiling cookies”, namely cookies that are designed to create profiles of the user and that are used to send online advertisements based on the preferences of the user as displayed by his/her web surfing activities;
  • “third-party cookies”, namely cookies that are set by domains other than that indicated in the browser address bar, or by organisations that do not own the web site.

Furthermore, various types of cookies will differ the one from the other according to the duration of their presence on the user’s device. Generally speaking, the distinction is thus made between:

  • cookies termed session cookies, which are automatically deleted on exiting the browser;
  • cookies termed persistent cookies, which remain on the user’s device up to a set point in time.

3. The cookies used on the Site,

For this Site, use is made of technical, functionality, profiling and third-party cookies, as specified in point 5.

In accordance with current regulations, technical and functionality cookies do not require the user’s consent.

The use of analytic cookies of third parties (specifically, Google Analytics) has been enabled in order to allow Google to use these cookies solely for the purpose of service provision, while storing the same separately and without collating these with other information already in its possession. Measures have also been adopted whereby significant portions of the IP addresses of users that log onto the Site are hidden.

Please find below the links for the Internet sites to be accessed for notices regarding the use of cookies of third parties, which parties, in accordance with the applicable rules, act in the capacity of autonomous controllers of the data collected by means of the cookies transmitted by themselves. Hence, in accordance with policies governing the processing of personal data, notices and, in the event, selection and deselection of the cookies of third parties, users are to refer to the privacy policies of the said third parties:

4. How to view and edit cookies by means of your browser

Users may select the cookies that they intend to authorise, block or delete (wholly or in part) by means of the specific functions of their browsers.

Please note that deselecting technical and/or functionality cookies may disable normal consulting of the site or may render unavailable certain functions.

For further information on how to set ones preferences in respect of the use of cookies via ones browser, please click the following links:

5. Selecting and deselecting cookies used on the Site,


6. Data controller

The data controller is Società Agricola I SABBIONI s.s. with registered office in Forlì, 47122, Viale Bologna n. 286/A.

Contact data for the data controller:

Telephone: 0543 755746
Fax: 0543 756568